Indian penal code kd gaur pdf free download
Indian penal code kd gaur pdf free download

indian penal code kd gaur pdf free download

Crime against women, bride-burning and dowry related offences, suicide, torture and sexual offences relating to rape, custodial rape, custodial violence, unnatural offences and sexual harassment at work place etc., in detail. The author briefly outlines the fundamentals of crime and criminal law, principles of criminal liability, mens rea, vicarious and strict liability and discusses elaborately every type of punishable offences including offences relating to human body. The latest innovations through judicial and administrative techniques of creativity have been well projected in the book wherein the judiciary has played an innovative and pivotal role in evolving new concept of criminal jurisprudence. Unlike the traditional treatise in criminal law, the unique feature of the book is that it explores the untouched arena in criminal jurisprudence dealing with nature and concept of crime and the scope of punishment under the Indian Penal Code.

indian penal code kd gaur pdf free download

Gaur is a marvelous classic work in the field of criminal law of outstanding merit, has been quoted with approval in the judgments of various courts, including the Supreme Court of India and other countries.

Indian penal code kd gaur pdf free download